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Bike Walk Give is March 11th! Give early today.

Who We Are


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is active transportation?

    Active transportation is human-powered transportation, predominantly biking, walking, and rolling. It’s also sometimes called active mobility, soft mobility, or active transport. At Bike Walk Nebraska, we support all vulnerable road users but focus most of our efforts on cyclist and pedestrian safety, access, and infrastructure.

  • What do you mean by leading sound policy?

    olicy generates the longest lasting change in how Nebraska navigates decisions about transportation. We work to make sure the needs of active transportation users are not forgotten when decision makers create laws and street designs, by advocating for sound and proven policy.

  • Are you statewide?

    We are the only statewide organization advocating for safe and accessible biking and walking. Most of our advocacy happens at the state level with the Legislature and other state entities, such as the Nebraska Department of Transportation. Historically, we are involved in regional partnerships and coalitions with statewide implications but rarely in localized advocacy efforts outside of offering support and insight.

  • Walk? Didn’t you used to be focussed on bikes?

    Bike Walk Nebraska started as the Nebraska Bicycling Alliance in 2013. While we focused on bicycling-specific issues, the walkability of a community informed our work. We quickly realized the overlap it has when pursuing a more bike-friendly Nebraska. We officially changed our name and mission in 2018 to expand our advocacy to all vulnerable road users.

  • My community is unsafe to walk/bike around. What should I do?

    We recommend plugging into your local city council to learn more about who and how decisions are made. Gathering a group to do a walk audit or bike audit and inviting key decision-makers to attend is another way to get a conversation started. There are many great tools available from programs such as Safe Routes to School and the League of American Bicyclists that can help get you started.

  • What about recreation?

    Transportation and recreation are intertwined when it comes to biking and walking. A more bike-friendly culture, whether through increased infrastructure, funding, or policy, will support higher levels of participation in all forms of bicycling and walking. Trails specifically create a win-win for Nebraska, especially when transportation and connectivity is considered in the development process.

  • What is your source of funding?

    Bike Walk Nebraska is an incorporated 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and we are funded via grants and donors big and small.

Have more questions?

We are your voice for active transportation.