Bikes mean business, and bicycle tourism is a big part of that equation. Whether we are working with trail-side towns to improve bicycle friendliness or looking for opportunities for Nebraska's trails to continue to a broader regional system, Bike Walk Nebraska loudly advocates for trails across the state.
Right now, our efforts are heavily focused on the Cowboy Trail and the MoPac Trail.
The Cowboy Trail
Bike Walk Nebraska formed The Cowboy Trail Coalition in 2024 alongside Nebraska Trails Foundation, Northwest Nebraska Trails Association, Cowboy Trail West Inc, Nebraska Game & Parks Commission, and representatives of the towns. The coalition is working to identify funding and development opportunities, educate the public and elected officials, and educate communities to harness the trail as an asset.

The Cowboy Trail is a part of the Great American Rail-Trail, the nation's first cross-country multi-use trail, stretching more than 3,700 miles between Washington, D.C. and Washington State. This trail is an iconic piece of American infrastructure that will connect thousands of miles of rail-trails and other multiuse trails, serving tens of millions of people living along the route, as well as those who visit the trail from around the country and the world.
The MoPac Alliance
In 2019, Nebraska Trails Foundation, Great Plains Trails Network, and Bike Walk Nebraska organized as The MoPac Alliance to find a solution for the MoPac Trail Gap. As of November 2024, a route has been approved by Cass County and Lower Platte South NRD. Next up is funding, design, and construction which is anticipated to be complete by 2028.