Vulnerable Road User Crash Analysis 2024
Bike Walk Nebraska generated a vulnerable road user crash analysis of 2024. Read what we learned and our recommendations for the state.

What to Do if You Are Involved in a Crash
We’re working to make Nebraska safer and more bicycle and pedestrian friendly, but unfortunately, crashes can still happen. What happens in the first minutes after a crash can have a big impact on police reports, insurance claims, and legal proceedings – all of which are the last things you’re thinking about in that moment.
While we hope you never need to use it, this simple resource can help you navigate those chaotic moments.
- Stay calm and call 911 immediately. Note that some officers are not current on bicycling and pedestrian laws.
- Don't apologize or assume you're "okay." Adrenaline will have kicked in and you may not realize the extent of your injuries.
- Treat the crash scene like a crime scene. Leave your bike where it is and take photos: your bike in relation to landmarks, like signs or intersections, road debris, skid marks, and witness locations.
- Photograph your visible injuries, and any damage to your bicycle and/or gear where it is and take photos in relation to landmarks, like signs or intersections, road debris, skid marks, and witness locations.
- Record license plates, business cards, witness contact information, insurance/registration paperwork, reporting, officer badges, etc.
- When giving a statement to reporting officer(s), stay focused on the facts. Accurate information and measurements of the scene are crucial.
In the days following the crash:
- Get examined by a medical professional. Remember, some injuries may not be apparent at the scene.
- Download and save any digital data from your bicycle computer, smart watch, or smartphone.
- DO NOT post about your crash on social media; your social media could be monitored by insurance companies. Statements for photos posted may be used against you.
- Purchase a new helmet. Save the old one until your injury/property claim has concluded.
Reporting a Crash or Near Hit
It is important to always file a crash report if at all possible. Unreported crashes hinder the ability to advocate for change, and reports give us the data to highlight safety issues across the state.
Bike Walk Nebraska strives to identify the locations of unreported crashes and safety issues within Nebraska communities. If you were involved in a crash or near hit while walking or biking and didn't report it follow the link below.
This is for data collection only and your information will not be shared.