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Events this Month

Webinar: Experiencing an Active Built Environment

Wednesday, May 24, 2023
10:30 am11:30 am

For the second installment of the Bike Walk Nebraska Webinar series is Dan Piatkowski. In comparing Oslo, Norway, to the United States, Dan examines the ripple effects of a different built environment on the entire community and day-to-day life.

Daniel Piatkowski is an Associate Professor in Integrated Land Use and Transportation Planning at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University. In his research and teaching, Piatkowski considers how integrating land use and transportation planning, in concert with emerging technologies, can be leveraged to foster sustainable cities. Daniel´s current research is on the ability of e-bikes, cargo bikes, and micromobility to reduce auto-dependence.

Before moving to Norway, Daniel was an Assistant Professor of Community and Regional Planning at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. While at UNL, Daniel worked on a number of Nebraska Department of Transortation funded research projects, including rural bike-ped safety, autonomous vehicles, big-data, and the economic impacts of bicycle tourism.

He holds a PhD in Design and Planning from the University of Colorado as an interdisciplinary National Science Foundation – Integrative Graduate Education Research Trainee (NSF-IGERT) in Sustainable Urban Infrastructure. He also has a Master’s degree in Urban and Environmental Planning and a Bachelor’s in English (both from Arizona State University).

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