Events this Month
Webinar: Experiencing an Active Built Environment

For the second installment of the Bike Walk Nebraska Webinar series is Dan Piatkowski. In comparing Oslo, Norway, to the United States, Dan examines the ripple effects of a different built environment on the entire community and day-to-day life.
Daniel Piatkowski is an Associate Professor in Integrated Land Use and Transportation Planning at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University. In his research and teaching, Piatkowski considers how integrating land use and transportation planning, in concert with emerging technologies, can be leveraged to foster sustainable cities. Daniel´s current research is on the ability of e-bikes, cargo bikes, and micromobility to reduce auto-dependence.
Before moving to Norway, Daniel was an Assistant Professor of Community and Regional Planning at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. While at UNL, Daniel worked on a number of Nebraska Department of Transortation funded research projects, including rural bike-ped safety, autonomous vehicles, big-data, and the economic impacts of bicycle tourism.
He holds a PhD in Design and Planning from the University of Colorado as an interdisciplinary National Science Foundation – Integrative Graduate Education Research Trainee (NSF-IGERT) in Sustainable Urban Infrastructure. He also has a Master’s degree in Urban and Environmental Planning and a Bachelor’s in English (both from Arizona State University).