After a decade of tireless advocacy, dedication, and commitment to the cause of active transportation - Bike Walk Nebraska is amazed at the milestones we've reached over the years. Celebrating our 10th anniversary is the perfect time to reflect on the community’s achievements and outline the goals for the future.
Infrastructure Wins & Goals:
MoPac Gap Funds
One of the proudest achievements for BWN was supporting the state appropriation of $8.3 million in funding for the MoPac Gap. It showcases the power of cross-sector collaboration with government officials, trail advocates, land managers, and advocates.
Cowboy Trail Completion & Maintenance
Nebraska’s Cowboy Trail is a great recreational asset in addition to being part of the bigger Great American Rail Trail. With almost 200 miles of this iconic trail completed, our goal is to continue supporting expansion and maintenance efforts and help trail-side communities maximize the potential. The trail’s completion could contribute millions of dollars to their local economy, promoting tourism and outdoor recreation.
Policy Wins & Goals
E-Bike Policy
Our most recent policy win regarding electric bikes is a testament to BWN's forward-looking approach. The growing popularity of e-bikes as a sustainable mode of transportation necessitated clear statutory language, and this victory ensures safer and more accessible e-bike usage for all Nebraskans through stronger policy.
Bicyclists Crosswalk Right-of-Way
Establishing equal rights for bicyclists in crosswalks in 2017 was a game-changer for the state. Before BWN’s advocacy on this issue, a person hit while lawfully riding in a crosswalk had no legal recourse, unlike a person walking.
AAA Bike Roadside Assistance
To support cyclists across the state, we successfully negotiated with AAA to provide bike roadside assistance. (Pretty cool, right? All BWN members get a discount!)
NDOR changes to NDOT
Language matters. In 2017, the Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR) formally changed to the Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT). BWN’s drove NDOT to address this issue, and were then awarded a signed copy of the bill by Governor Ricketts.
Complete Streets
Bike Walk Nebraska, partnering with local health departments, continues to assist communities across the state in advocating for Complete Streets policies. These policies establish rules for safer, more accessible streets for all regarding road construction and maintenance. We continue to advocate for similar policies on the state level and have been part of NDOT initiatives to explore the possibilities.
Community Outreach Wins & Goals:
Learn-to-Ride Programming
BWN's Learn-to-Ride program has been a resounding success. The potential for the program is infinite as Bike Walk Nebraska offers the only learning opportunity for adults and older teens within the state, and it is more than just a bike lesson; it's a pathway to a healthier, happier, and more connected community.
Addressing the Bike Shop Desert in Rural NE
We are facilitating the necessary conversations to understand the barriers and find creative ways to make bicycle repair available to rural Nebraskans.
Interactive Policy Map
To equip local advocates, Bike Walk Nebraska is crafting an interactive policy map to provide a comprehensive overview of active transportation policies and initiatives within Nebraska communities. This tool would allow Nebraskans to engage in advocacy efforts to make their area more bike and pedestrian-friendly.
In our office, we see active transportation as a practice of relentless incrementalism, with change and progress coming piece by piece. As we celebrate our past successes, we remain steadfast in our commitment to promoting active transportation and creating healthier, more vibrant communities across Nebraska.
We hope you will join us for the next 10 years of advocacy.