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Bike Walk Give is March 11th! Give early today.


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The Easiest Way to Support BWN: SMILE!

Last week you heard from Mona about the budget. This week I’m following up with good news: there is an extremely simple way that you can support BWN this holiday season. Amazon Smile!

This is how it works: you shop on Amazon, we get money. Literally, that’s it. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Bike Walk Nebraska. Everything else is exactly the same - same products, same prices, same service.

Here are the specifics: rather than logging into your regular Amazon account, login at,  designate Bike Walk Nebraska as your charity of choice and then start shopping. Bonus step: set your browser’s bookmark to the Smile page so you don’t forget. Tell you friends and family, too! 

NOW, HAVING SAID ALL OF THAT: If you have anything bicycle related on your holiday wish list, or plan to purchase for someone else, please disregard everything I just said. Instead, please, please, PLEASE purchase these items from your LBS (local bike shop) if at all possible. These folks have been positively swamped during the COVID bike boom, and we need to show them some love whenever we can. 

Finally, if you are not an Amazon shopper, you still have ways you can support us before the end of the year. You can find information on our website about how to become a member (memberships also make a great holiday gift!) or how to make a one time donation. 

We are grateful for all of the support you have given us during this very strange year, monetary or otherwise. Stay healthy, keep pedaling, keep walking, and keep your fingers crossed that 2021 will be better for everyone!

We are your voice for active transportation.