If you have been following our social media, or if you are a super informed Nebraska citizen, you know that all of the odd numbers legislative districts in the Unicam are up for election this year. As a 501c3, we cannot endorse any candidates; we can, however, educate you on where they stand on the issues. With that in mind, and following guidance from nonprofitvote.org to make sure we complied with nonprofit guidelines, we developed a 5 question candidate survey, which was approved by our Policy Committee.
We attempted to send the questionnaire to every candidate that will appear on ballots in the districts with seats up for election. We did our best to run down emails for all using www.ballotopia.org and social media. We were able to obtain contact information for all but 4 of the candidates. We followed up a couple of times with reminders and asked our social media followers to encourage their candidates to respond by tagging them on social media.
Despite these efforts, we received very few responses, and only two races had both candidates respond. Per guidance from nonprofitvote.com, we can only publish the responses for districts in which both sides can be represented, so Districts 7 and 39, you are in luck. We copied the candidate responses directly from the form and have not edited them in any fashion.
Regardless of where you stand on the issues, PLEASE, PLEASE VOTE. If you requested an early ballot, be sure to get it returned as soon as you can - don't forget to sign the envelope or it won't be counted. If you are going to vote in person, have a plan incase you encounter long lines. If you can do anything to support your fellow citizens on November 3 by giving someone a ride to the polls, taking lunch to a friend who is waiting in line or texting someone to persevere and stay in line, we encourage you to do it. Mona and I have both been tapped as poll workers, so our office will be closed on Election Day.
If you bike or walk to the polls or to the ballot drop off box, we hope you will post a photo on social media and tag us along with #BikeWalkVote.