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Article Archive

Here are the bills we're tracking in 2025, focusing on streamlining the process for infrastructure, influencing drivers' behavior change, or supporting a just judicial process post-crash.

Generally, Bike Walk Nebraska believes that enforcement measures aren’t the most effective way to make biking and walking safer. By focusing on a Vulnerable Road User Law, we can fortify Nebraska’s statute for judges to have more options when sentencing drivers guilty of especially dangerous speeding or when involved in a crash injuring or killing a vulnerable road user.

Bike Walk Give Day is 24-hour, statewide, online giving event created to rally Nebraskans in support of active transportation nonprofits, hosted by Bike Walk Nebraska. The event is designed raise awareness, accelerate community efforts, and target active transportation projects, causes, and organizations across Nebraska.

Taylor Sterba provides an overview of how Bike Walk Nebraska is approaching 2024 unicameral session to advocate for active transportation and pedestrian and cyclists safety.

An update on the Nebraska Department of Transportation's Complete Streets Implementation Research Project, and the impact of having vulnerable road users prioritized in the safety plan.

Person-first language acknowledges the person first and humanizes the situation or context in which they’re involved for bike and pedestrian crashes. This type of language is important to use in order to establish and maintain a dialogue of dignity and respect.

After a decade of tireless advocacy, dedication, and commitment to the cause of active transportation - Bike Walk Nebraska is amazed at the milestones we've reached over the years. Celebrating our 10th anniversary is the perfect time to reflect on the community’s achievements and outline the goals for the future.

Bike Walk Nebraska's stance on e-bikes in response to recent discourse within the cycling community and points the applicable aspects of the e-bike classification bill passed in the legislature in 2023.

Bike Walk Nebraska is concerned about recent news from Lincoln and Omaha: school has started, and within the last 48 hours, three children have been hit by drivers of vehicles, with one involving a student in a crosswalk and another being sent to the hospital in serious condition. 

Nebraska now has an updated, aligned with best practice definition of "electric bicycle" in our state statutes and a revised definition of "bicycle," including three and four-wheeled bikes.

BWN is in support of LB 39, which requires a disability impact statement for certain legislation to ensure future legislation does not affect the safe mobility options for disabled Nebraskans.

Program manager, Annabelle, reflects on her time in Argentina, outlining the impacts of active transportation on cultural norms and overall lifestyle.

BWN calls on Mayor Stothert and the Public Works Director to clarify their intentions for the Bikeway and share their budgetary calculations and concerns voiced in the MSC meeting with BWN, the funders of this project.

The announcement of the new Builder's District brings the opportunity for a spectacular example of active transportation infrastructure, connectivity, and mobility in the Urban Core of Omaha.

Evaluation of the Market-to-Midtown Bikeway, the first protected bikeway in Omaha, Nebraska, as it reaches it's 12-month anniversary.

Nebraska ranks 49th in new Bicycle Friendly State rankings.

Looking ahead to 2022!

Annabelle explains bikeway counter data collection.

Annabelle shares her thoughts on bicycle commuting.

Mona discusses her new perspective on equity, safety, and climate as she begins her daily walks to and from the office.

Introducing our newest business member, Schemmer.

Omaha's Pilot Bikeway Project and SHAREOmaha

Unicam Update: LB 164

Making ends meet during Budget Week at Bike Walk Nebraska

We are your voice for active transportation.